
Two General Assemblies in 2020

This year there were two AUDEG General Assemblies - both virtual and with important items on the agendas: On 28 April 2020, an extraordinary General Meeting was held, at which the Articles of Association of AUDEG were completely revised, because the new version requires less effort than a large number of amendments. The new statutes create important prerequisites for accreditation as a certification body, which has proven to be necessary for the cooperative over the past 3 years. On 9 June 2020, the regular General Assembly took place, at which the annual accounts for the year 2019 were adopted and the profit carried forward to new account. The fact that there was a profit in 2019 is due to the good work of the board of directors, which, in addition to the daily training business, continues to pursue the long-term goal of the accredited certification body.
